exercises for fixing rounded shoulders
wall angels
face pulls
face pull to scarecrow to overhead press
external shoulder rotations adn scaptions
t spine opener - lay on a long foam roller along your spine, 10 lbs in each hand or a bar, reach overhead into a Y position, breath in that position
kneel with elbows on a chair in prayer position, and let chest sink between your arms
massage between ribs from sternum out
get full scapula and thoracic spine ROM
consider 2:1 ration pulling and pushing for a while
foam rolling
serratus anterior press
reverse flys with supinated hand position
farmers walk or any loaded carry
upper back and lats are complex and resilient, can hit them every day
dumbbell rows
rear delt flies
face pulls
chest supported rows
pull ups
these hit traps, rear delts, upper back and will not fatigue lower back
barbell rows / pendlay rows can beat up lower back
face pulls every workout
upper back exercises - high rows, cable rows
stretch pecs (major and minor)
shoulder rotations
15-20 reps per set, activate those muscles, with good form, then increase weight later
front squats not back squats
presses and pushups not bench press
farmer walks, goblet walks, suitcase walks
lots of rows
build back volume
potential issues
stronger internal rotators (latissimus dorsi and pectoralis) relative to external rotators (infraspinatus and teres minor
stronger scapula protractors (pectoralis) relative to scapula retractors (rhomboids and middle fibers of trapezius)
underdeveloped rear delts
poor thoracic mobility
potential solutions
strengthen upper back, core, glutes, hamstrings
lots of facepulls and rows
sit up straight