Spend money

Money is a tool. Use it to win.

What do you purchase with money?

You should buy things that further your achievement. Your meaningful moments.

  • Your building a real life.*

What are those things?

Well they are many and vast and you already know about them.

Meaningful moments.

  • There is good work to do.
  • There is human connectedness.
  • There is freedom.

Those are the main things you need.

Briefly, the pursuit of these things leads down many paths. It is up to you to remain good and persevere and have fun.

1. Good work to do

What do you feel really identifies you? things that in the doing, renew? This is your new school, this is what you can use to guide tools. If they are things that get in your way, you can use the best tools to guide them away. You need to focus on achievement.

2. Human connectedness

Who are the people and in what places and doing what things? Re-engineer these moments and interactions. They need not be expensive, but they often require time and effort. And empathy.

3. Freedom

This achievement comes in two ways. Freedom of mind and freedom of body. Freedom of mind comes essentially from self-improvement, from loving, from peace of mind. Freedom of body comes from freedom purchased with money. We are the majority born into a society where we have a debt. A debt to society. I think most understand it can be paid, but few understand it should be paid quickly and that you can pay it off. This comes from understanding investment.

Use these concepts to drive your decisions about money and spending and you will love it.

You will love the changes that take place. You will love the balance and self-assuredness that comes with decision. Have fun.

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