clean a room
keep an organized space
have art
express yourself
art above
body health
lifting weights
bike - riding a bike, choosing a bike
bicycle maintenance
household maintenance
clean dishes
take out trash
pull weeds
hang a picture on a wall
make a useful object out of wood - screws, nails, saw
cook food
get groceries
pick clothes
clean clothes
fold and organize clothes
art as above
throw a party
have a friend over
send and receive messages
organize and go out with a friend
make a date
technology maintenance
troubleshooting tech
linux - installing an operating system
basic tech repairs - replacing a laptop battery, adding ram, changing a keyboard
mental health
understanding the mental pitfalls - other boat is empty, people trying to learn, it says something about you, stupidity is a trait, understanding the toll of a desire, reality, life as a flash of a firefly's light in the night, you are okay
make money
save money
wisely spend money
wisely invest money
money is required in most of the world, for at least some things, so you need to understand it, and most people do not, because the system is not set up for that
make a business
buy and sell and market something
pay your taxes
what projects are worth pursuing - see the toll of a desire
starting and finishing a project, over a long period of time - like a master's thesis, a real one
sustained study and effort
how to learn a new skill
identify examples
authoritative information
spot bullshit aka separate wheat from the chaff
identify your self
what it takes to pursue something for a long period of time
most peopel live their lives passively, taking whatever challenges are placed in front of them by society or their work. i did that for a long time.
instead of deciding what is good and right and important and worthwhile to do with your time and figuring out how to actually make that happen
lots of people just want to grind at a mindless task
i guess we need that aspect too
but people risk spending their whole life in a cult of productivity
when what you need to do is live a good life
The thing is that most of the physical stuff you know or can learn quickly. What really fucks people up is that they do not understand the mental game. Instead of seeing the abundance and feeling gratitude and engaging in love, they envy, put down, react to new people in the present like they were the different people in the past, and all kinds of mess that prevents and gets in the way. Avoid it.