Put up your own art

Put your own art up > collecting art of others.

Decorate your place with works yourself. Your own photos, your own sculptures, your own paintings.

The thing is to imagine that people display things as a reference of themselves.
And we are like mostly doing it based on taste, or maybe our own adventures.
Think about people who have cool stuff in their house, and they're like, oh yeah I got that in Bali.

Better than tourism, is related to accomplishment or story.
Oh yeah, I got that when I was working on a movie in Bali.
Or working on a disease outbreak.
A story about something cool.

But like, there are people who have shitty art up.
What do you do about that?
Improve your art.

It is weird for people to define themselves by their products and their material goods.
Like all you did was buy it. And all you did was like choose it based on the marketing and maybe your taste.

What is the goal of buying decorations?

It seems like the goal, then, is to reflect positively of yourself. Maybe to demonstrate purchasing power.

Why not achieve that goal more directly?
Producing things directly becomes a more direct solution to expressing yourself and reflecting positively of yourself.

Better to have taste and then the skills to produce that taste.

You cannot have it all, but you can work on it.

Sure there are curators, and collectors, and there are skills involved in that for sure.
Almost anything can be an art.

But the idea of producing those things, objects, pieces of art...yourself. Participating in the production.

That could be a big thing.

DIY + design -> Make your own.