Undoubtedly, we are living in the most technologically advanced state.
Though you should remember that there are still people living in ways that are independent of all the modern technologies.
However, it must be possible that other culture, previously, have figured out better ways to live.
Right now, like Los Angeles, is an experiment in basically atomizing everyone and seeing what happens. It is so difficult to join with people because of the roads and the lack of public common spaces. You do not run into your neighbors much.
Except if you like live in West Hollywood and do not leave.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is that, there must have been societies in the past where people were happy, everyone had their needs accomplished, people felt, safe, happy, part of a community. People felt like they were doing good work. People were around people that they loved and got along with.
Maybe there are pockets of societies that exist like that today.
There were probably even cultures where people were in abundance with the environment.
Modern times in the rich countries are not about that. But there is abundance.
You just have to figure out what is really important, what really matters, and kind of arc your life towards those aspects.
I wonder what the happiest, safest, cultures have been and what life is like in that fullness.
I also understand that the life is possible, now, within me, and with the current conditions I am in.
What I am trying to say is that just because you living somewhere where you are rich, wealthy, around lots of rich and wealthy people, have material abundance...that does not mean that is the best life for you.
In fact, what constitutes a good life, actually, could be achieved with less material resources, and more of non-monetary ("emphemeral?") resources.
Friends, family, people that you trust and get along with.
Random, surprising socializing.
Working on positive things that are within your skills, but challenging. Concept of 'Flow' by Mihaly.
Natural light.
Natural features: water, trees, etc.
A well designed urban environment (walkable, more small town than suburb)
Working on scale.