Satisfactory products are better for happiness

Hours of research, travel, and saving up, and you finally find the best product for you. Turns out, that is kind of a waste. Satisfactory products advantages over searching for the best products.

  1. They cost less.
    You need money to purchase your financial free and time, labor, location, and opinion independence.

  2. They are easier to replace.
    They cost less, for one. Additionally, they are more ubiquitous. If you need a cheap tote bag, almost any corner store has one. But if you want a particular luxury brand, you pretty much have to go to a boutique.

  3. They force you to find happiness elsewhere.
    Luxury products are nice and fun. They give you attention of other people. And that can feel good too. Unfortunately, lots of people depend on this path. In terms of using money effectively, it is purchasing depreciating goods instead of assets. It is something that is one and done and needs to be replaced. Purchasing satisfactory products allows you to find happiness elsewhere. Look for something that is inherent, that stays with you, that even adds value (time, money, experience) to your life.

  4. They cost less time.
    Less time to maintain. Less time to research. Less time to procure (available everywhere, less money). Some people will say, well I got this cheap thing and it breaks all the time, it would be better to have a better one. If you use it all the time, obviously yes. If you use it once a year...probably still worth it. Until you wore this cheap thing out, you also, may not have actually known.

  5. That said, there are times when better products help. That is typically when they increase functionality. If you are a professional, then typically, you get the tools that work best. Regardless. Oftentimes, at a certain level, the tools that are the best are not made and sold. The best tools sometimes come from hacks, from specialty made items, or solutions borrowed from other trades. These are special cases, where, essentially, the function of the product changes. If it is a piece of art, then consider it a piece of art. If it is an investment, consider it an investment. When products get in the way of function, when a product is a piece of art, or an investment, it might be a different case. But again, that is a use case.

Why do people get the best products? In general, because they think it will make them happier. When you really look at the reasons people give, they come back to that. Fortunately, we know that happiness is not actually tied to expensive material goods. Another reason could be they work. The needs of a professional carpenter are different from a home DIY person. The carpenter might have 4 different kinds of hammers. The home DIY person might use a hammer once every year.

For the most part, satisfactory products suffice. Pursuing satisfactory products frees up time, money, mental space, effort, and energy. People get nice products because they want to be happy. These resource can be better directed towards these ends. Good products matter and have certain qualities, but they do not make you happy.