Loaded yoga
Go out
How to be Happy. Filipino American.
Loaded yoga
Go out
What are the components of a good lifestyle?
The basic component is:
The types of health are:
"All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” - Blaise Pascal
Happy with yourself.
At peace.
There are a lot of realizations that need to take place here.
Focusing on your locus of control. Information diet.
The problem with advice is the context. Some people need one side of it and some people need the other. Some people need to forgive themselves, some people need to grow up and take responsibility for themselves.
The middle way.
Almost easier.
Diet and exercise and sleep.
Some people focus on one and not the other. If you are going to focus on one, focus on exercise. Most people are too sedentary. You have no chance at getting fit with the current lifestyle. I have tried living a basic lifestyle and it is terrible. Humans are meant to move.
Exercise also gives you social interaction, endorphins, and builds skills.
Diet is basic. Ideally mostly bitter leafy greens and meat. If your culture includes rice, then eat rice.
Sleep. Do you have sleep apnea? Get rid of your devices. Exercise enough so you can actually fall asleep. Write things out so that you can process what is in your mind.
Really this should be social.
Being social is a skill. All skills can be improved.
Being part of a community. Help people without asking for anything in return. Chat people up even if it seems weird sometimes. Be willing to put yourself out there. Connect with people on projects.
Give gifts.
Spend time and money on being with people.
Money to keep the game going
Activities you like to do
People you like to do things with
Doing things with people that you like
Money to keep the game going
Doing things with people that you like
You happen upon sufficient money as a result
Flow states
We are all just looking for good ways to spend our time
The money question: the two sides are expenses and income.
Good expenses are in health, things that are necessary, things that grow. Poor expenses are in depreciating assets, things that are never used.
Income growth is the game of business. Business turns out to be a skill. This is one that I am figuring out. 'Everything is sales' means that sales is a component of everything. Usually a major component. People are at the core of a business. People that are good at business are usually well connected, hold attention, and have a great reputation. They have a vision, a plan, and they work the plan. Instead of planning, they do. Then they, do and do some more. Growing income is providing at scale something the market needs, but does not have. Providing so much real value out there, that people are going out of their way to give you money. So you can continue doing it.
Wake up early
Decrease entropy - go clean something, do dishes, organize a desk
Get sun in your eyes - go stand outside and get sun in your eyes
Eat - fruit. dates. sugar. chocolate.
Workout - Conjugate system. Get your body really warmed up with lightweight or bodyweight movements. Watch some gear or tech reviews, mindless news.
Read philosophy - Go into the library and find something good to read. Something inspiring will impell you forward.
Turn up the heat.
Dream and read and write. Keep the lights low.
Listen to music - nothing new. Headphones.
What to avoid:
Blasting yourself with light early in the morning. You need attention and energy and that can come from exercise and a little food, not light.
Having lots of light is important though.
Avoid sugar
Avoid videos and TV shows
Avoid new music
2022 01 19
Wake up early
Read philosophy - Go into the library and find something good to read. Something inspiring will impell you forward.
Get sun in your eyes - go stand outside and get sun in your eyes
Turn up the heat.
Workout - Conjugate system. Get your body really warmed up with lightweight or bodyweight movements. Watch some gear or tech reviews, mindless news.
Decrease entropy - go clean something, do dishes, organize a desk
Dream and read and write. Keep the lights low.
Listen to music - nothing new. Headphones.
What to avoid:
Blasting yourself with light early in the morning. You need attention and energy and that can come from exercise and a little food, not light.
Having lots of light is important though.
Avoid sugar
Avoid videos and TV shows
Avoid new music
Get a sweat
Go run
If it is cold and rainy out, go run, but do it shorter. Then get on the exercise bike. Wear a lot of clothes and ride at 70% intensity until you are sweating. Ride more.
If you are lifting this morning, then lift.
2022 01 18
Wake up early
Decrease entropy - go clean something, do dishes, organize a desk
Read philosophy
Get sun in your eyes - go stand outside and get sun in your eyes
Get a sweat
Go run
If it is cold and rainy out, go run, but do it shorter. Then get on the exercise bike. Wear a lot of clothes and ride at 70% intensity until you are sweating. Ride more.
If you are lifting this morning, then lift.
Dream and read and write. Keep the lights low.
Listen to music - nothing new. Headphones.
What to avoid:
Blasting yourself with light early in the morning. You need attention and energy and that can come from exercise and a little food, not light.
Having lots of light is important though.
Avoid sugar
Avoid videos and TV shows
Avoid new music
Happiest days?
Oftentimes they are not marked by material goods.
They are often marked by accomplishment of work over a period of time for a good outcome...but mainly because...well because of celebration with friends and family and colleagues.
There was a Holocaust survivor that said she looked at people and asked if they would hide her. If you have lots of people that you have good connections with, then you have lived a good life.
Happiest days are spent in nature. Beautiful places. Happiest days are spent in laughter, exploration, accomplishment. Happiest days are spent in relaxation.
Consider arcing towards happier days.
And how to build a life centered around happier days.
Also understand that oftentimes we do not understand what is good or bad for us.
And in some cases, well, everything that happens to us can be good.
You can decide whether you really need it
If it wore out, then probably you were using it.
The first thought is often to replace it.
Or even better, upgrade it to the 'perfect' item.
As you go through your travel journey you realize there are no really perfect items. Everything has choices.
Instead of spending all your time looking at gear, researching, comparing prices and specs, just get something that is 80% good.
I have like $400 bags. They are fun to wear, but so what. I could have the same experience with a $40 bag.
It is fun to wear and walk through an airport, or carry it, or pack it, but that is about it.
The rest of the day, the rest of your life, you ideally are living.
Then what does it matter what kind of bag you have?
Getting that last 20% is a quest, and one that you are pursuing because you think it will bring you happiness and satisfaction and because you enjoy it.
But what you actually enjoy are working towards those 'goals' of happiness and satisfaction.
Once you realize that those two things are already available to you, now, today, as things are... it is an unlock.
Travel's importance is the realization that you can have such positive experiences with minimal gear (compared to what you have in your home), You can learn from other people. You can begin to see with an open mind, things that are really in front of you.
You can experience another environment.
And when you realize that, you also realize that you can take the chance at something being worn out, to now have fewer things.
Use things you already have.
Things that have minimal cost. Things that have 80% effectiveness in gear. Because gear is not what you are really after.
Wake up early
Get a sweat
Go run
If it is cold and rainy out, go run, but do it shorter. Then get on the exercise bike. Wear a lot of clothes and ride at 70% intensity until you are sweating. Ride more.
If you are lifting this morning, then lift.
Dream and read and write. Keep the lights low.
What to avoid:
Blasting yourself with light early in the morning. You need attention and energy and that can come from exercise and a little food, not light.
Having lots of light is important though.
Hang out with friends. Even drink the night before. Go to sleep early. Eat a lot of food. Drink a lot of water while you are drinking. 2-3 liters.
Sleep well next to someone you love.
Wake up at 630am naturally.
Drink a liter of water.
Watch TV, whatever you do. I would say some things that set a good tone for me are consumption of something positive, optimistic, and that has some element of happiness. Tempered ambition. What I end up looking at are pictures of fancy things that I like.
You do NOT want to be running on rocket fuel all day, everyday. You want to be running on your own fuel.
Play a video game for 10-15 minutes.
From 8-830 get on the exercise bike. Watch something entertaining, maybe a video reinforcing your messages. Happiness. Optimism. Patience. Self-awareness. > Determination and never quitting.
Writing an article.
Talk to someone you love.
Get up
Check your meetings - have an 815a meeting and get some work done
Do laundry
Exercise - even a little 4x6, 3 exercises
Do a small project - listened to creative life podcast while patching bike tire tubes
Do work - small
Play Fortnite 12-2
Eat lunch - bowl, squash, sardines, kim chi, rice
Write - poetry as you are relaxing
Sleep - 230-430
Hang the laundry
Do the dishes
Eat dinner - Ramen with wife
Sit on couch and read
Trainig with dog
Feed the dog
Play with the dog
Walk the dog
Small task and socialize - Call people to talk while Pack clothes for trip, no one picks up, listen to funny TV, talk
9p Write or business until 1030pm
Good day
wake up safe
check on meetings
do your work
work out - some lifting, even small. 4x6. around 10am
eat - a bowl of food
nap - ideally 12-2p
jiu jitsu - watch it
walk the dog
socialize with cousins or friends - video calls work too
Video games do not have to cost a lot, especially if you are willing to tinker and build a PC.
Warning: Video games can sap your drive for accomplishment. They can be immersive aka addictive. Limit to playing with other people remotely. Meet up in real-life whenever possible.
Mental health is key. Self-awareness precedes that as a fundamental skill that is an asset to have. If you have self-awareness, you can get a better sense of whether you have good mental health or monitor how things are changing. Fundamental skills are ones that
Here is one where people start. Physical fitness is a building block of a good life. Here are the other building blocks: physically fit, happy, wealthy, wise. The first three, ideally, contribute to development of the last one.
I read this thing that the pillars of success are intent, vision, action, and clarity.
Okay, well that is vague enough, but organized enough that it can help.
My intent is to live a good life. Using this framework, I realize that it is the vision and action portions that I am working on. I have to take action towards those steps everyday.
So you have many drives and they are not essentially good or bad. Then you have living a life, which involves practical and universal questions of how to feed, clothe, and where to live? How to make friends and find a partner? How to contribute to society? How to be happy yourself? I think, like many have, that contributing to society should come from being happy yourself.
What is being happy, then? Well that's a good start, there are lots of different things that society has described as happiness. Beyond that discussion though ...