Many things. Many many things.
What is worth it?
Happiness, peace, health, love, family, friends, keep playing the game.
Pay for those things.
How to be Happy. Filipino American.
Many things. Many many things.
What is worth it?
Happiness, peace, health, love, family, friends, keep playing the game.
Pay for those things.
Classic clothing
Classic watches
Classic cars
But then classic stuff can also be boring.
What is exciting?
New and trendy and futuristic
Spend more on classics
Intersperse trendy things for fun and stimulation?
We actually do have too much time, creative potential, resources, clothes, money, and food.
Sometimes it does not feel that way, but we are living in a time of abundance.
The clarification is that it is material abundance.
Life abundance is a different thing and that is what I have been figuring out.
That is what we are really thinking about, but I never was taught about. I only believe it because I have seen glimpses of it: people who are genuinely happy and have financial success.
Sure, there are people who have great careers and a social life that is in shambles-- this is different. You see it, you can kind of feel it. It is real.
I think happiness may have a skill to it. Things like a gratitude practice, looking on the bright side of things, social grace, how to deal with situations.
There are material parts to it to, but I am really convinced that it is closer to having control of your time, no money worries, a really exciting project, and a good social life more than a high-job title, accolades from a professional organization, and a nice sports car.
If it is something more closely tied to actions and practice, then it is something that is more widely available. Not everyone can afford a $60,000 car, but maybe, with the right training, everyone can afford an abundant life.
Stuff that adds to your central abundant life.
I spent 2 years logging every expense I had in an excel document. How I did it was I did all my spending using two credit cards. When the monthly bill came in, I would go line by line and add every expense into a category. By hand, instead of with an automated program, helped me process really what was going on.
I think it is misleading to over simplify things, so my caveat is that, well these are some guidelines I have noticed.
None of these things have to be expensive. Once you figure it out, most can be free or low cost.
Experiences are getting a group of friends together and playing frisbee in a park and grilling.
Eating out could be a beer at a brewery or tacos at a truck or a good salad at a friends house.
Tools you can buy used.
Skills you can get the basics from a course, teacher, or friend, then teach yourself progressively.
Travel you can go to the other side of town, take a roadtrip, take a bike trip, take a train trip, take a bus trip.
Health you can walk, you can run, you can do something fun, you can buy something heavy like a bag of rice and carry it around :p
Notice that there is a skill to doing things that is developed progressively may minimize or even eliminates the need for money.
You want stuff and security more than you want to vagabond around.
Well, I mean there are basics that have been covered with something like Maslow\'s Hierarchy of Needs. Food, Shelter, Water. Social Connection.
like sports equipment
like transportation pots, pans, cutlery clothes
Out backpacking, I am having lots of fun, feel good and all I have are the things on my back. Food, Shelter, Water. I am with people that I love. And we are out doing things that are fun and fulfilling. I know what to do each day. I am getting healthy.
So why not do that everyday? Save up enough money and just move around, plenty of people are doing it.
You cannot do that everyday*. What I think people mean is that there are restrictions, like making money, having money for food, safety, etc. True, but that is really a money problem more than an impossibility problem. If you had a ton of money, you could do it, right? You could do, well whatever you wanted, right?
*You are right, you cannot just vagabond around all the time. But you can do it for a segment of time, and you could do it while making money through other means [LINK].
Well, realize that if what you REALLY wanted was to move around, then you could figure out a way to make money, and have money skills [LINK], and do that. I have met people who do that*.
*maybe I should interview them sometime.
I do not think it does. However, you may be away from your family. It is, however, possible.
My main point is actually that I do not think most people want to vagabond around.
You place your own restrictions on things. I think that people value stuff and security and being where they live, more than the ability to travel all the time. I mean it is pretty clear given the choices people make.
If you want it so bad, work for it. Work and figure out the path.
Well I think I just want people to admit it. I just want myself to admit it. I value working for this job, now, more than I would just moving around the world and living day to day and bumping around.
On social media there are all kinds of people and accounts of people traveling the world and making money off their accounts. While it looks glamorous, I admit, it must be a lot of work too. And potentially the work may be difficult.
Be happy you have a job. It can give you the chance to save up, to gain skills, to figure out what you want.
I need you to stay awake, though.
Keep gaining skills, keep lowering expenses, keep figuring out what you like, keep moving towards independence, figure out who you are, learn, read, travel, figure out how to rest, what makes you happy, joyful, what you need to be safe, how to be safe, how to be happy, how to be yourself.
Yes, just settling is unsatisfying.
Make sure. You Stay. Awake.
So when the time comes to pursue what you are \'meant\' to do. You have been preparing, you have been working, and You are ready.
By doing the work, you create the right time.